Monday, August 15, 2011

Camping at Lassen National Park #1 - August 4, 2011 - The Hot Rock

Kate and Ryan decided that they wanted to go camping at Lassen National Park and invited Rob and I to go -- it didn't take much arm twisting and we made plans and reservations for August 3rd through August 7th, 2011...

I can't take credit for taking this picture, but I wanted everyone to know where we went camping.  This is a picture of Mt. Lassen and Manzanita Lake.  The campground that we stayed at was the Manzanita Lake Campground.  Kate and I like it because it has showers and a general store!  Hurray for showers!!!!  We had a great time camping and I actually slept fine in our huge, huge tent.  It was like living in a big house - just the two of us :)
When our children were little we would go camping at Lassen every year and the way we would measure how much they had grown was by taking pictures of our little family on the "Hot Rock" -- we went to the Hot Rock and took these fun pictures...
Grandpa with Tyler and Chase...
Tyler looking like he is playing "King of the Mountain" and he won!
 Ryan having trouble (pretend, pretend) getting up on the Rock and Chase helping him climb up and Tyler chuckling as Kate enjoys the antics of her little family!
 Picture of Rob and I with our two grandchildren, Tyler and Chase -- how much joy they bring into our lives!  It was a fun day checking out all the places that we had visited on our past trips with our little family...


Kate said...

That was such a fun trip!! We need to make it a tradition. Love that first picture of lassen!!! Just beautiful! :)

Vinshiloh said...

Wonderful pictures, sweetheart.

Jenna said...

You and dad with the boys at the hot rock is priceless! Oh and the first pic is great too ;-)


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