Sunday, October 26, 2008

Apple Hill

The beauties of Apple Hill in the fall.First on the agenda was a ride on the train. I think Chase and Tyler were a little disappointed in the train ride. Probably because they had gone to Disneyland and were expecting a "Disneyland" type ride - it was a very short ride that went through a tunnel and around the pond and back to the station.
Tyler on the train as we go around the pond.

Here is a picture that Kate took of Tyler and I....and a scarecrow.
One of the things we planned to do at Apple Hill was to go to a pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins -- we never found a pumpkin patch, just a bunch of pumpkins already picked...This is the road we walked down in hopes that we would find the pumpkins - didn't happen!
We did find an old truck instead and thought it would make a cool picture. Thanks for posing for me, Kate!
I wanted to get this last shot of Kate and Chase, but Chase refused to smile :) He was so cute as we encouraged him with "Now don't smile Chase -- we don't want you to smile!" He just couldn't resist that, but he tried really hard not to smile!
We got some great shots, ate apple pie, but didn't come away with one pumpkin!

Trunk of Treat

On October 24, 2008, the Laguna Creek III Ward had their Trunk or Treat night. Here is a picture of Tyler becoming Harry Potter. He had a really authentic robe, tie and wand -- not to mention some fabulous Harry Potter glasses. He even had people from that night saying he looked really cool! Way to go, Kate, for picking such a cool costume. Chase is becoming a cowboy, with a bandana, vest, hat and of course, his favorite part of his costume -- his boots. Here is his mom getting him ready to go out "Trunk or Treating" for that all important candy!
Jenna helped me decorate my trunk for the Trunk or Treaters and when it was all done, I thought we had done an excellent job so I took a night picture! Pretty scary with all those spider webs and yummy, too, with all the candy! I think we had trick or treaters going around at least twice and sometimes three or four times -- basically until all the candy was gone and everyone closed their trunks!
For more cool pictures of Harry Potter and the Cowboy, check out Kate's blog (pictures will be forthcoming) :)

A Golf Course in the Fall!

This is one of my favorite places to be...I never thought I would ever, ever say such a thing....BUT I LOVE TO GOLF! This is Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course and Rob and I try to golf there once a week, weather permitting. We have headed out there early, early in the morning in order to be the first ones on the golf course and not to tie up any of the good golfers should they happen to get behind us! We usually do the back nine which works out well because most golfers usually golf the whole 18 holes.A picture of the 18th hole and the 9th hole.
Another shot of the 9th hole
Now this is a shot that I hope makes Kate proud! She told me to try to get a sun "star" in a picture if you could so I specifically went to Bartley Cavanaugh around 4pm in the hopes that I could get a "star"! And there it is! I'm so proud - I'm finally learning to take some good shots with my little camera. Thanks, Kate, for the tip!

Bella's Painted Toenails!

These were some pictures that I took when Steve and Summer and Bella came over for Sunday dinner. Summer had just painted Bella's toes, and I wanted to get a shot of those toes. I took several shots, but this one turned out the best as it not only shows the painted toes, but how small her little feet are! Aunt Jenna is holding Bella up in the air. It looks like Bella wants to fly!
A big bow for Bella!

Summer, Bella and Steve

Bella, Sweet Bella

I was going back checking my pictures and realized that I hadn't posted anything about the newest member of the Fink clan. That is our very own, Isabella Catherine Fink, our granddaughter, who was born to Steve and Summer Fink on May 21, 2008. This picture was for Bella's blessing and she was able to wear my father's christening gown for the event. I was so excited that she would be able to wear this outfit as it means so much to me to have this dress in our family. Jenna took this beautiful picture of Bella outside Steve and Summer's home after the blessing. She is so beautiful and Summer's mom made the bracelet and bow for her hair. Just a perfect combination!
Jenna also took this lovely shot of Bella on her blessing day.

Here is a picture of the christening outfit for Bella. I wish I had a before and after picture of the dress because it was all yellow and stained. I worked to make this a beautiful dress once again and was so happy that it turned out so well. I put new ribbons down the front and ribbons on the sleeves. Mom and Dad Yeager (my parents) would have been delighted with the results and it was a touching moment for me to see one of my grandchildren blessed in this special dress.

The amazing thing about the dress is that it also came with a petticoat and it was all hand crocheted. It was so beautiful and I wanted it to be seen as well, so I pulled the dress up in the front with the ribbon so you could see the petticoat.

Steve, Bella and Summer Fink
Bella born May 21, 2008
See more details on Summer and Steve's blog.

Bella truly is a beautiful child and we welcome her as a precious addition to our family!

Friday, October 24, 2008


I thought the title might get a few of you and that you might think I was depressed or something. But that is not the depression I'm thinking about. When I was getting the Halloween pictures out of my closet, this box fell off the shelf and all the contents fell out. I realized as I looked at this shoe box that it was something my mother had saved. Because she had gone through the Depression she became a very frugal lady. She learned to save for the proverbial "rainy day." She saved buttons, yarn, scraps of material and, of course, elastic. I wanted to share these photos as a reminder to us all that we need to become more frugal and as Elder Boyd K. Packer reminded us. We need to "Eat it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." I don't want to appear to be a doom and gloomer, but I do feel that we need to be more careful with what we have been blessed with and to be wise and good stewards. Enough is enough :)This is a senior picture of my mother Edith Eloree Petersen Yeager (Elly) as she graduated high school. I cherish the things that she taught me and the wonderful memories that I have of her and my father.
It is tough to realize that your parents are gone, but as a friend of mine said tonight at the Halloween "Trunk or Treat", she was so thankful to be a member of the Church and to know that when her loved ones pass on they go to a better place. This probably is a little melancholy moment, but I am grateful for that knowledge as well. I look forward to seeing my parents again some day -- but look forward to the wonderful days ahead with my wonderful family.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween Memories

Kate came up with some of her favorite Halloween pictures, so I thought I would do a search and see what pictures I could come up with as well. This shot of Jen, Kate, Steve and Shell (along with friends), Oct 1986, has to be a favorite one of mine. Jen's clown face looks outstanding, Steve's pirate beard is "so realistic" :) and well what can I saw about Kate's makeup. Shelley, my little one, is the cat's meow! A little scary in the makeup department, but Kate wanted to go punk and I really didn't have any "cool" makeup to help her "go punk" - love the hairdo though!
Now this is another year, I believe October 1985 - The next four pictures are from that Halloween adventure --
Shelley wanted to be a fairy princess with crown, wings and a magic wand. Kate was thinking that Chase looks a little like Shelley and I have to agree!

Now, here's Steve - I really went all out for his costume! I had to ask Kate who he was and, of course, he's He-Man. You probably could call him "Plastic Man" and it wouldn't matter. What mattered was getting out of the house and getting as much candy as you possibly could in the shortest amount of time!
Kate, the scary witch, good makeup there on the face! If looks could kill....
Jen, our in-house clown (notice the different makeup -- therefore, different year :)) -- mouth is a little crooked, but other than that pretty cool. Also, I noticed that each of the kids had a balloon, probably donated by Judy of Balloon Boutique (my friend who had a balloon business delivering balloon bouquets and I helped her out occasionally).
This was October 1982 - Jennifer wanted to be a princess with magical powers and so I cut down one of my gowns and made this dress for her. I love the crown on her head and the smile on her face. She looks like she would like to take her wand and maybe change her dad (who is taking the picture) into a frog. The shawl belonged to Grandma Yeager.
Here is the little group in 1982 -- Jennifer, the princess, Kate, Raggedy Ann, Steve the Smurf (Plastic Man, again) and little Shelley who didn't go out that year. Note that this picture was taken in front of our house at 3132 Rosemont Drive in Sacramento, California.
Now, here are a couple of cute pictures that Rob was able to get of Kate. One where she is smiling and the other where she is pouting. Tyler can do a pout much like his mother when she was little.

Last, but not least, is a favorite of mine. Steve as superman. He was so excited to go out Trick or Treatin' and show everyone his great big muscles -- He's faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound -- Look up in the sky -- it's a bird, it's a plane....
It's Superman Steve!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rob's High School Reunion Part 3

On Saturday, October 11th they had a golf tournament. They had prizes for first and second place: golf towels with CVHS on them or golf tools for your foursome. I told my team I wanted to win and really put the pressure on them :) Really, now seriously, I'm not the best golfer in the world but we placed fourth in the tournament! Now, that would be considered a really excellent place; however, there were only four teams! lol I don't care what the stats say -- we had the best team. Naturally I forgot to get any pictures of the golf tournament so I asked Rob to go back to the golf course so we could at least get one picture at the Gold Hills Golf Course. We didn't play in this attire - note the high heels in the pic. This picture was taken just before we went to the evening event. These are my golfing buddies: Fred Feyerherm, his brother-in-law Bruce Lamb, Rob and I. We had a lot of fun and the guys were really supportive even when I didn't hit the ball very well. Thanks guys! Fred and Bruce are married to sisters: Cathy and Wanda Blew and both sisters attended CVHS. Cathy was in the Class of '68 with Rob.
This was Rob with one of his good friends, Dennis Dailey. Dennis and Rob played basketball and football together as well as other sports. It was great to see the two of them talking sports. One of the comments that Rob made was that in high school he was the tallest of his classmates, but didn't grow after high school and he said to Dennis - you obviously grew 'cause you're as tall as me!
Two more of our golfing friends: Sherry and Mark Mauer. We got to know them a little bit at the football game, then went golfing with them and then to the evening event.
A picture of Fred with his wife, Cathy.
...finally Rob and I
At the end of the night they gave away the table decorations
and Scott Louis gave me one. I thought they were lovely
before they gave one to me and had taken a picture of
the centerpiece to practice on my photo skills! Glad I did!
Well, all good things must come to an end and Rob and I had a lot of fun at this High School Reunion and we look forward to the next one! Thanks to all who made it so special.

Rob's High School Reunion Part 2

Our tour took us into the library and on one of the walls was this picture. I liked it so much that I took a picture of it. It was probably a picture created by one of the students at CVHS. Awesome! Walking the halls with classmate Natalie Strohmayer Crowder, booster, Rob and classmate, Karen Allison Louis The lady that Rob has his arm around is Janie Howard Williams. She lived on the same street (Eugene Street) in Central Valley as Rob and they had so much to talk about and really enjoyed talking about old times with each other.

This picture was the Class of '68 and was hanging on the wall. Rob is on the top row and is 6 guys over to the left of the clock. The next picture is a close up of the picture, but for this one I just wanted to get the feel of the group and the dresses that the girls were wearing for the effect.
A close up of the top row. Rob 6th from the left of the clock, back row.
Rob couldn't find his CVHS letter sweater -- he said something to the effect that his brothers lost it while he was serving his mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Since he couldn't wear his CVHS sweater, he wore the next best thing -- his University of Washington sweater. One of Rob's classmates said that they were looking at the senior yearbook and it had tons of pictures of Rob in it....sounds like we need to check that yearbook out!


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