Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trunk of Treat

On October 24, 2008, the Laguna Creek III Ward had their Trunk or Treat night. Here is a picture of Tyler becoming Harry Potter. He had a really authentic robe, tie and wand -- not to mention some fabulous Harry Potter glasses. He even had people from that night saying he looked really cool! Way to go, Kate, for picking such a cool costume. Chase is becoming a cowboy, with a bandana, vest, hat and of course, his favorite part of his costume -- his boots. Here is his mom getting him ready to go out "Trunk or Treating" for that all important candy!
Jenna helped me decorate my trunk for the Trunk or Treaters and when it was all done, I thought we had done an excellent job so I took a night picture! Pretty scary with all those spider webs and yummy, too, with all the candy! I think we had trick or treaters going around at least twice and sometimes three or four times -- basically until all the candy was gone and everyone closed their trunks!
For more cool pictures of Harry Potter and the Cowboy, check out Kate's blog (pictures will be forthcoming) :)

1 comment:

Kate said...

Loved your decorated trunk!!! You guys did a great job!!


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