Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Eight Things Tag

Eight TV shows I love to watch (in no particular order)
1. Dancing with the Stars
2. Heroes
3. The Biggest Loser
4. Cold Case
5. The Big Bang Theory
6. The Office
7. History Channel
8. The Ellen Show

Eight things that happened yesterday
1. Got up early and exercised at 24hr Fitness
2. Went to Work
3. Lunch with Jen
4. Went to Weight Watchers :) & dinner with Rob
5. Lift weights at 24hr Fitness with Rob
6. Hugs, Kisses and prayers with the grand kids!
7. Read my book club book, Alicia, My Story, about a Jewish survivor from Poland during WWII
8. Soaked in the tub :)

Eight favorite places to eat (in no particular order)
1. Ernestos
3. Applebees
4. Outback
5. El Toritos
6. Opa Opa
7. Rob Fink's Gourmet Food House
8. The Tower Cafe

Eight things I'm looking forward to
1. Halloween (I am so excited to see Ty and Chase in their costumes) -- me to (from Kate's tag)
2. Thanksgiving (I love getting together with family) -- me to (from Kate's tag)
3. Christmas (my favorite holiday) -- me to (from Kate's tag)
4. Going to Disneyland again!
5. Losing weight
6. Grandbaby #5 :)
7. Being together forever with my family
8. Another book by Stephenie Meyer

Eight things on my wish list (nothing small on this list!)
1. New Patio and Patio furniture
2. New bedroom furniture
3. TV upstairs
4. Trip to Europe to see some castles
5. Photo software that Kate has
6. Waterfall in the backyard going into a swimming pool! lol
7. Trip back east to see the church sites and sites on the east coast
8. Doing a half marathon

People I tag -- Anyone that wants to participate


Kate said...

Good job Momma!!!!! I like the Tower Cafe too. I forgot about that one. I really enjoyed reading that tag. What about a new camera for you wish list? I think you can just borrow my photoshop CD and put it on your computer. :) So, you can mark that one off the wish list atleast. :)

Jenna said...

You, Kate and I have a lot of similar likes, shows, wishes... 'cept maybe patio furniture :) I still need to do my blog on the tag. ~sigh~

Kate said...

So, you don't want a new camera? I thought that would be at the top of your wish list. Mom you really NEED to get that swimming pool with waterfall. It is an absolute necessity. :)

I LOVE the tower cafe too!!!! I forgot about that place. Thanks for playing along with the tag.

Sister Christie said...

Well, Kate, you are right about the camera! But like your dad said I haven't figured out how to use the camera I have and so it wouldn't be fair to get a new camera until I learn how to use the one I have, right? Right!

Kate said...

I guess you found my first comment. :)


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