Sunday, October 26, 2008

Apple Hill

The beauties of Apple Hill in the fall.First on the agenda was a ride on the train. I think Chase and Tyler were a little disappointed in the train ride. Probably because they had gone to Disneyland and were expecting a "Disneyland" type ride - it was a very short ride that went through a tunnel and around the pond and back to the station.
Tyler on the train as we go around the pond.

Here is a picture that Kate took of Tyler and I....and a scarecrow.
One of the things we planned to do at Apple Hill was to go to a pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins -- we never found a pumpkin patch, just a bunch of pumpkins already picked...This is the road we walked down in hopes that we would find the pumpkins - didn't happen!
We did find an old truck instead and thought it would make a cool picture. Thanks for posing for me, Kate!
I wanted to get this last shot of Kate and Chase, but Chase refused to smile :) He was so cute as we encouraged him with "Now don't smile Chase -- we don't want you to smile!" He just couldn't resist that, but he tried really hard not to smile!
We got some great shots, ate apple pie, but didn't come away with one pumpkin!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Great pics momma!!! I LOVE the one of Chase and me. I had a lot of fun at Apple Hill even if we couldn't find a actual pumpkin patch. :)


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